What's New

St. Louis District Dairy Council offers a variety of programs, both in and out of the classroom, to help schools educate students on the importance of dairy foods as part of a healthy diet. These programs offer everything from grants to encourage healthy eating in schools to games and activities that teach lessons about dairy. And that's only the beginning.

Celebrate Farm to School this October with “From Moo to You!”

While milk and dairy foods may not be one’s first thought when thinking of local, most dairy farms are actually within 100 miles of a student’s school. This allows milk to get from the cow to the carton in just 48 hours.

Dairy up to the Table with Family Meals

Family meals foster children’s healthy growth and development, both physically and emotionally. Studies show that with regular family meals, kids are less likely to engage in unhealthy and risky behaviors, such as smoking.

Healthy meal options support school success

Dairy foods are an excellent choice to incorporate into meals, as they provide protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats plus vitamins and minerals.

What’s Trending in the Ice Cream Case?

Because milk is the main ingredient in ice cream, this refreshing dairy food contains calcium, high-quality protein, and other essential vitamins and minerals. Celebrate July Ice Cream month by checking out these trends in local grocery stores or ice cream shops.  

Dairy is on the MOOve!

Louise, the Jersey cow traveling with the Mobile Dairy Classroom, allows the classroom to be a fully-operational milking parlor. During the program, consumers of all ages see how Louise is milked and learn how milk travels from cow to carton.

Bone Health is as Easy as 1-2-3

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend everyone age nine and above get three daily servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy to support bone health.

Dairy Good Practices Build a Sense of Wellbeing

When people eat nutrient-dense foods, such as milk, yogurt, and other dairy foods, they have the energy to take on their daily tasks, as well as the stress that might accompany those activities. 

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